Information for Students

Bachelor students

We warmly recommend to our students to visit the colloquium regularly, as this event provides an ideal opportunity to get into contact with the presently active science topics. In this way, students will be in a better position to judge which direction they wish to choose for their Master degree. Students from the fifth and sixth semester should be able to follow the basic ideas presented during a colloquium; they should not be frustrated, though, if they lose track in the second half of the lecture. Students from the fourth semester and below should try and view it as a 'warm up'; also, this is a good way to increase the number of physics lectures during this semester.

Master students

The colloquium is a must for Master students; attending the colloquium broadens the knowledge base and thus provides an opportunity to strive for the ideal of a 'universal scientist'. In addition, it is an ideal chance to get into contact with the professors.

PhD students

The colloquium is a must for PhD students; this needs no further explanations.