Robert Lin

Departement of Physics, University of California, USA

Robert Lin (left)
Robert Lin (left)


3 October 2007


Particle Acceleration by the Sun


The Sun accelerates ions up to tens of GeV and electrons to hundreds of MeV in two distinct physical processes. Solar flares release up to 1020 kWh in a few minutes, with possibly more than half of this energy in accelerated particles. I will present observations of the hard X-ray/gamma-ray xontinuum and gamma-ray line emission produced by the accelerated electrons and ions, respectively. The new results by the RHESSI satellite measurements indicate that magnetic energy release by reconnection is the underlying process for flares and particle acceleration. I will discuss plans for resolving the mysteries of these remarkably efficient acceleration processes, including a joint ESA/NASA mission to send five spacecraft to the Sun as close as 0.22 Sun-Earth distances.