Claude Nicollier


Claude Nicollier (left) with Joël Mesot
Claude Nicollier (left) with Joël Mesot


13 May 2009


Joël Mesot


Serving Astrophysics – An Alternative Approach


The author of this talk, an astrophysicist by training, had the opportunity, on two occasions, to visit the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) on its Low Earth Orbit as a member of STS-46 and STS-103 Space Shuttle crews. These two visits allowed the execution of essential repair work, mainly in the area of optical performance, electrical power supply, and attitude control of the orbiting observatory. The Telescope's servicing philosophy and practical execution will be the subject of this talk, as well as a rapid overview of science results obtained after nearly 20 years of HST exploitation.

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