Phil Lubin

Department of Physics, UC Santa Barbara, USA

Phil Lubin (left) with Alexandre Refregier
Phil Lubin (left) with Alexandre Refregier


15 April 2015


Alexandre Refregier


Searching for the Beginning of the Universe - 50 Years of the Cosmic Background Radiation


Fifty years ago the faint relic microwave radiation from the early universe was discovered, confirming earlier theoretical predictions based on the hot big bang model. This Cosmic Microwave Background has now become one of the most productive research areas in modern cosmology as it gives us a glimpse into the early moments of the universe. From studying the consequences of the formation of particles and light nuclei to the composition of Dark Energy and Matter, to the subsequent formation of structure that ultimately allows us to exist, to searching for evidence of an inflationary epoch, the Cosmic Microwave Background has embedded within its spectrum, spatial distribution and polarization properties a unique imprint of our past, present and future.