Feryal Ozel
Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel

Feryal Ozel (center) with George Lake (left) and Lucio Mayer (right)
16 September 2015
Szymon Hennel
Neutron Stars, Black Holes, and the Dense Matter Equation of State
Measuring neutron star radii and constraining the mass distributions of neutron stars and Galactic black holes offer the unique possibility of probing the equation of state of cold, ultradense matter. I will talk about the tremendous recent developments in these areas and discuss how applying statistical techniques on new data reveals the evolution of these compact objects. I will also show how the tightly constrained radii and the discovery of two solar mass pulsars have led to the first astrophysical inference of the equation of state of ultradense matter.