Mark Saffmann

Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin, USA

Mark Saffman (middle) with Tilman Esslinger (left) and Tobias Delbrück (right)
Mark Saffman (middle) with Tilman Esslinger (left) and Tobias Delbrück (right)


17 November 2011


Tobias Delbrück


Rydberg Blockade Mediated Quantum Computing with Neutral Atoms


Neutral atoms have long been attractive candidates for quantum information processing due to the stability and excellent coherence properties of hyperfine ground states. Implementing a strong and controllable two-atom interaction has, however, been a long standing challenge. This challenge was recently met with the demonstration by several groups of quantum logic gates and entangling operations using the Rydberg blockade mechanism. I will review recent developments in this area and present experimental results showing high fidelity gate operations and deterministic entanglement of a pair of neutral atoms. The long range nature of the Rydberg interaction is attractive for scalable quantum information processing using arrays of trapped atoms. Ideas for realizing a medium scale quantum processor, and ongoing progress towards that goal will be discussed.

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